Thursday, March 29, 2012

Aw Aw A Like Shoes

"You got your kickers and your ropers,
your everyday loafers,
and some that you can never find.

You got your slippers and your zippers,
your grabbers and your grippers,
and man don't you hate that kind.

Some you wear in,
some you wear out,
and some you wanna leave behind

Sometimes ya hate 'em
sometimes ya love 'em
I guess it all depends on which way you rub 'em
but a girl can never have too many of 'em...
Men are like shoes"

Gotta appreciate Shania Twain for that song. Not that I necessarily agree with all of the words in this song, but the jest of it is the essence. As I've said to people before, I love men. I've been to hell and back with some of them, but not enough to make me ever want to deter from that way of life. No matter how fed up I get with some of their shit, I still love them, and wouldn't ever trade them...I may want to trade the model that I'm dealing with at the time, but I'd never trade a Ford for a Kia . Yes, I'm a Ford girl...F-150 XLT Triton Extended Cab type of girl to be exact.

Who the hell was calling me from an unrecognized phone number at 10:30 at night? I hadn't given my number to anyone, and I know solicitors had sure as hell better not be calling me that time of night, but who the fuck was this? Jones. Hm. The opportunist. I'm so glad I was on the phone with my mom at that time because it gave me the perfect excuse to get off the phone with him. He tried to use the excuse that he suddenly realized he hadn't given me his new phone number so he wanted to make sure I had it. I didn't have an old number for him, so it didn't matter. And how the hell does he all of a sudden realize that I, of all people, didn't have his new number when we hadn't communicated since....damn....I can't even remember. Obviously, though, after all this time, he still remembers how to get in touch with me, and the timing is so very coincidental...not long after I posted on Facebook about buying a house. When I told him I'd call him back because I was on the phone, he said he'd just call me the next day. That was 2 days ago. I didn't even bother locking his number in. Poo on him. He'd be described as a "slipper and a zipper".

And I won't speak to badly about "Lee". I never spoke in detail about him before, because although I was involved with him, he didn't last long enough, nor was he "attention grabbing" enough to be a jader for me. Lee and I had a brief fling after Mason, before Allen. I think I may have touched on him at some point in one of my posts. He's in the military, but his kids are damned near grown and he didn't really want anymore. At the time, I was in my "gung-ho" phase of wanting children, so, although he was open-minded about having more (just as a pacifist thing if he wound up with a woman that wanted some), he already has 3 biological, 1 that he's raising as his own (4 total), and mine would be "just another kid" to him. That's not ideal to me. I'd want my child to be "wanted" by the daddy, not just a "well, this is what your mother wanted, so here you are" thing. I didn't bother even putting any eggs into that basket, just enjoyed the times we did spend together, and we just kind of mutually faded out of each other's lives. I'd spent some time with 3 of his children, too, and one of his daughters (his oldest) is an "attitude central" teenager that I knew I wouldn't be able to deal with. She and I would've wound up going round-n-round. I don't deal well with disrespectful kids. That was a kind of complicated situation, because he had 2 kids (a daughter and son) with his ex-wife, they separated for a time, and he had another daughter with another woman, she had another son with another man (that's the 1 he's raising as his own), they got back together for a while, then divorced. The one thing I will say, though, is I wouldn't have had to worry about him being a stranger to bi-racial kids, because all 3 of his are half black. He's a good man, and a wonderful father, so that wouldn't have been an issue either. I think what it boiled down to is I just really didn't want to go into a full-fledged ready-made family situation. One child, maybe 2, is my limit. Anything more is too much for me. Like I said, I have nothing bad to say about him, other than the fact that he would be described as "some you wear out", because having his career and that many kids was taxing on the time. He simply sent me a text and posted a congratulations about my house on Facebook. We never really completely lost contact with each other, because we text a time or 2 within the last 6 months or so, but I'd long ago deleted him from my phone, so his number is only recognized by the area code. He's originally from the northeast somewhere, just stationed here in Oklahoma and he never changed his phone number (sounds familiar..hehe). He's one of the better ones I've dealt with, so that's all I have to say about that.

Ah, and Ron has managed to resurface also. He doesn't have a Facebook page, and I hadn't heard from him since the turn of the year, so where he came from out of the blue is beyond me. I guess he's got ESP. He's already tried to make a few dates with me, and that would be okay because it's not like I'm into him for it to be anything more than just hanging out as friends, but with me working 2 jobs now, I'm lucky to have time for myself, much less try to make time for someone else. He understands that, and pretty much said to just let him know when I can squeeze him into my schedule. Only God knows when that will be. Yes, it's true, because I've said it myself, that people MAKE time for the things they want to. I'll just leave it at that.

All of this, and today is only Thursday. I'm starting to wonder who else is going to come out of the wood work. So far, it hasn't been anyone that I necessarily care. Are any of them? Hm. Good question. I tell you what, I'll let you know when I find out.

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