Monday, December 19, 2011

How This All Began

Hello, readers! My name is "R" (of course, you know that's just the initial for my name..if you're going to know all about my life, the least I can do is keep my full name a secret). I can't tell you how happy I am that you've chosen to join this (not totally) jaded (yet) single girl on her many adventures through dating, relationships, and all of the other ins and outs that life has thrown at me.

So, I'm guessing the questions at this point are "where did you come from?" and "what's this all about?". I will answer those, taking you back to the roots, and moving forward..for your reading enjoyment. You have to have the background on what started this native-Texas girl-now-living-in-Oklahoma to blogging. Simple, I've read, reread, pratically stalked other blog sites about bad dates and bad relationships, and can identify with some of my fellow bloggers entirely too well. My way of escape from the haunting torment of dealing with these issues of my own is to...wait for it...write about them. With that, I figure, "hey, why not share my jading experiences with the world and let someone else get a laugh out of it, too?". So the site "not (totally) jaded...yet" was born, because while I'm not totally jaded..yet, I should be, but I still believe (I'm not even sure why) that there's some good guys out there. Where they are is beyond me, but eventually, I'll find that one..hopefully (fingers crossed!)..and my jaded days will be over!

This site came into existence because of a relationship that ended in February 2011, that I had (and sometimes still have) quite a bit of a hard time getting past. So, for any and all who may enjoy reading my blog, you can thank...we shall call him "Allen" for anonymities sake...for breaking my heart and giving you lots of reading enjoyment. Trust me, there are plenty of you that will call me and think me to be (terms I've come to identify with) lame, naive, stupid, desperate, psychotic, stalker, crazy, deranged, etc., and that's okay, because you will see all of those sides of me throughout these posts. You will also get explaination of the title of this blog. You will get to read about Allen, and many other jerks that had their 15 minutes of fame in my life. You'll learn quite a bit about where I come from, and how I operate.

So, sit back, grab your Starbucks frappaccino (the loves of my life), and get ready for this turmoilous trip through the life of R. Any and all of your comments are welcomed pertaining to what you read, I just ask that you keep your insults to a minimum, please, because, really, even though I may be a bit deranged, I still have feelings! I should also warn that some posts may be very graphic, so if you're sensitive to that nature of writing, then maybe you shouldn't read any further.

Welcome's going to be a pleasure to entertain you!

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