Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Roadtrip...Take II

Today has been a pretty cool day overall. Referring to my unconventional work schedule, I work 8 ten hour days, bi-weekly..so, in other words, I get all 80 of my hours in 1 week, therefore I only work 2 weeks a month, and have 2 weeks of down-time. It works out perfectly, considering all of my family is still in Texas, so I get to travel quite a bit and don't have to rush home to return to work. I like my schedule, and am content with my job.

This week is one of my down-time weeks, and today just so happened to be one of my friend's...we'll call him "Daniel"...birthday, who just so happens to be one of my ex-boyfriend-turned-great-friend-with-benefits-when-I-want-it-from-him type friends (you'll read more about him later), and since he treated me to a day of fun for my birthday a couple months ago, I returned the favor today. Was a little disappointed that I didn't make it to the gym (I can get kind of religious when it comes to working out) because we spent most of the day at the movies and hanging out with his daughter, but it was worth it. I'll make up the gym time tomorrow.

Anyways, I said I'd continue with the story of Anthony and when we finally met...

Okay, remember I said when dealing with the whole phone chat thing, the other person's appearance is a gamble? Well, he definitely didn't disappoint in that area..he was tall, nice tan, slender, clean shaved, decent length hair....and blind vision impaired. He had mentioned to me that his ex-wife (whom I didn't find out til later that he was still legally married to, and had 2 kids with her) had shot him in the head a few years previous when they got into an altercation, and the bullet severed his optical nerve, but I didn't realize he had no vision at all. It's always something. I knew then if I proceeded with anything with him that I could kiss goodbye watching sunsets with him, or anything pertaining to us "watching" anything together. At the time, it didn't occur to me that I could leave and never deal with him again, because if that kind of information was withheld from me, then there was no telling what other pertainent information about him I didn't know. But, as I said, I was at a point in my life where I was desperately single, so all of the red-flag stuff was easily dismissed.

So, when he walked through the door with the aid of his walking stick, his sister pointed him in the direction of where I was sitting on the couch. I was smiling, although he'd never know it, and stood up to give him a nice hug. He smelled like a combination of beer and cologne. I let my mind wander to being in bed with this man..his body was warm, and I just felt so comfortable being in his arms. Never mind the fact that he didn't answer his phone when I was trying to call him. After seeing his condition, it's not like he could see who was calling, although I'm sure whoever he was with could tell him. I did, in a non-chalant way, mention that he gave me quite a scare by not answering his phone when he knew I was on my way. He gave me some lame excuse (I don't even remember what it was), and that was that. I bought it.

Skipping ahead, since I was spending a couple of nights in town, we decided to get a hotel room. At the hotel room is where I also found out he had no teeth. Here I was, looking at a full mouth of pearly whites, which he promptly removed from his mouth when we got a bite to eat. Another strike. All of these things that were failed to be mentioned to me, but yet, I'm still sitting in this hotel room, horny as hell, not in a hurry to make the long treck home, and blatantly displaying the stupid side of myself. He didn't necessarily disappoint in the area of sex either. Wasn't anything to write home about, but it definitely scratched the "itch" that I had at the moment.

 At the end of my 2 days there, I took him back to his sister's house, we said our goodbyes, and vowed to keep in touch. I will spare you the details of all of the in-betweens and fastforward to 7 months later, several more trips up the highway to visit him, and him eventually persuading me to move to Oklahoma for us to be together.

That's how I wound up in Oklahoma. I transferred with my at-the-time job, we found a little trailer to rent, and then we broke up a month after I moved here. Come to find out one of the other concealed bits of information was that he was into drugs. Not just the light stuff like marijuana (even though I don't even do that), but hardcore drugs like pill popping, and snorting. I knew he smoked mass amounts of cigarettes, and I guess he could hide his addictions during my "visits", but once I was in his turf on a more permanent basis, he let it all hang out. What he chose to do with his SSI income was his business, as long as he was still shelling out for his half of the bills, but his temper while he was under the influence almost led to some physicalities between us a few times, and that's just something I will not tolerate under ANY circumstances. I got to the point where I'd had enough of it, and gave him the ultimatum of "the drugs, or me"...he chose the drugs. Everyone, including myself, thought that I'd be moving back to Texas when that happened, but Oklahoma had kind of grown on me, and I decided to stay. I'd found a nice church, had moved into a nice apartment, and liked my co-workers at the job, and since I'd never lived anywhere except Texas, I decided to settle in. It was a new, different, and exciting experience. If you had asked me back then if I'd thought I'd still be living here, I would have said no, but here I am..almost 6 years later, still in Oklahoma.

His mom, sister, and the rest of his family were still really nice to me after the break up, but then told me that if they'd known before I moved up that I was really intending to move, they would've warned me about Anthony and his habits. Fine time to tell me. I still talk to his mom, sister, and one of his cousins from time to time on a social web circle, but he's gotten off drugs (good), moved to Alabama, gotten married, bought a house and has 2 more kids. I hear he's doing really good for himself now. Nice. Welp, better late than never.

That was a good year in that town. Then, I took another job with another company, and relocated to another Oklahoma city. That's another post...

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