Monday, January 23, 2012

What I Really Meant To Say

A goateed version of Spencer Pratt. That was my first thought when I saw Ron. I never found Spencer to really be attractive, so I didn't pay much attention to Ron other than to greet him, and ask if he needed any assistance. He casually declined my help, and proceeded to browse around my store. Again, I wasn't paying much attention to him, I was busy putting away a warehouse truck that had arrived during the wee hours of the morning, listening to the endless tirade of love-sick songs on the muzak, and ready to get the hell out of that store. I did have to make a trip outside to inspect the parameter for wind-blown trash, and that's when I heard what sounded like a small dog yapping at me. I have a weak spot for dogs (being that I have two over-grown ones), and smiled when I saw a miniature schnauzer mix jumping around in a mini-van nearby trying to get my attention. It had to be the cutest little shit I'd seen in a long time. I cautiously approached the vehicle making gentle talk to the dog, when Ron came outside. I didn't notice him at first, until he went around to the driver's side of the mini-van. I apologized to him for being so close to his vehicle, and complimented on how cute his dog was. This opened way to a conversation that made history. He thanked me, told me it's a girl, and her name's Fox. I again complimented him on Fox's cuteness, and asked how old she was. He hesitated for a moment, lit a cigarette, closed the driver's door and came around to the passenger's side where I stood, and where Fox had gotten quiet and was standing with her front paws on the door, curiously observing what was going on.

He didn't say anything for a moment, just stood there puffing his cigarette, then extended his hand to me "Ron Carter". This was odd. How did we go from him answering my question on the dog's age to formal introductions. And he didn't just give me his name, he gave me first and last, as if I cared. How odd. I smiled my infamous smile, shook his hand and said "R". "Pleased to meet you, R. Do you have a lastname?" I giggled at his forwardness. Uhm, no, I don't. Not one to give to you, Dude. "I do, but how did we go from me asking about your dog to you asking my lastname?" "I'm sorry. You're right. She's about 3 or so. Not quite sure. Got her from my ex mother-in-law as a gift not long ago." So, with the word "ex" I assumed he's single. Still not interested. But, I did have time for a bit of small talk. I was curious about this cute dog, and this may be a new friend for my girls to play with. I told Ron my lastname, and we began a conversation that led to him letting Fox out of the van, and me playing with her for a bit. After a few minutes, It dawned on me that I had to get back inside of the store to finish working. I told him it was a pleasure meeting him, then he asked what time I got off. Why is this man so nosey? "I get off in 3 hours." "Well, R, pardon my forwardness..." okay, he's not really smooth..."but are you married?" "No, I"m not." "Engaged? Seeing anyone?" Oh, my. I see where this is leading. "No to both." "Well, Miss R, if you don't have any plans when you get off in 3 hours, it would be an honor to take you to breakfast." Okay, R, think quick. He's not your usual, but you see where your usual has gotten you, so maybe there's more to this Ron guy than physicalities. "I'd like that." "Great. Do you have a phone number where I can reach you in 3 hours?" He's funny. The emphasis on the 3 hours I had remaining at work was showing that he might actually be serious about breakfast. I gave him my phone number where he instantly plugged it into his cell phone, and dialed my phone right then and there. I didn't realize what he was doing (my phone wasn't on me) until I heard "Hello, R. This is Ron Carter, the guy you met this morning at your job. I was just leaving you a message and putting my number in your phone. I hope to see you in 3 hours for breakfast. Well, more like 2 hours and 55 minutes. Bye" and then he hung up. Okay, this guy is really weird. He just called my cell phone and left a message while I'm standing right in front of him. I laughed it off, told him I'd see him soon, and went back inside. I didn't really think much of it, figuring he may have gone home, gone to sleep, and would call me with some excuse later that day. It didn't matter. My wall was up, and I didn't have room for any intruders at that point.

On the dot time that I was clocking out, my phone rang. I looked at the number, vaguely remembering the prefix of Ron's cell number (he's from Missouri, and yet has a Missouri phone number), and answered rather surprised.

Me: Hello?
Ron: R! Good morning! Are you off work now?
Me: (laughing and walking out of the building) Yes, I am
Ron: Good! I hope you remember our breakfast date?
Me: I remember you asked me to breakfast. I don't know if I remember so much of a date, though
Ron: Tomato, Tomoto
Me: Alrighty, then. Uhm, so where would you like to meet?
Ron: Well, the options are, I can pick you up at your job and we can ride together, or, I can swing by and pick you up and we can ride together
(Okay, this guy has lost his damned mind if he thinks I'm going to get in a car with him and I'd had all of 15 minutes of knowing him)
Me: Uhm, how about the options are I can meet you at the restaurant you tell me, or I can just meet you at a restaurant?
Ron: (laughs) Fair enough. There's a Denny's down the street from your job. Will that be okay?
Me: Sounds fine. How long?
Ron: I'm on my way now, so we will probably pull up at the same time
Me: Okay, then. I'm heading there now

Why was I creeped out, but yet going through with this breakfast meeting? Hell, I didn't have shit else to do, and I hadn't had a good breakfast in a while, so why not. If worst came to worst, all I had to do was walk out of the restaurant and go home. We pulled into the parkinglot at just about the same time, and he parked right next to me with a giant smile on his face. It's too damned early in the morning, and for me, too damned late to be so fucking chirpy. Yeah, this guy is really creeping me out. Oh, well. Nothing to lose with a quick breakfast, and then home to rest for work that night. I saw Ron's chivalrous side rather quickly. When he got out of his van, he rushed over to my vehicle to open my door for me. Okay, now, what is this? I'm used to guys opening doors for me, but the vehicle door is new. Hm. Okay, well, he's had good training. I thanked him, got out of my ride, and walked towards the restaurant door. He jogged just a bit ahead of me to make sure he got there to open it for me, and again to open the second door for me. I smiled and thanked him both times. Impressive. After we were seated (he let me choose table or booth, I chose booth), we studied the menus, and made small talk in the process. I found out he's a coffee drinker just as I am. Great, besides being a dog lover, we have more common ground. We placed our orders (he let me order first...another impressive move), and sat making more talk, only the conversation merged from small to flowing. At this point, I was curious about alot of things. I had to ask, afterall, I had nothing to lose by questioning this man. I asked why he was up so early in the morning, about Fox as a gift, and why he had a Missouri phone number. I learned quite a bit in a short period of time. I found out he's a year younger than me, divorced with 3 (young) children, moved from Missouri to be closer to them when their mother moved to Oklahoma with her new husband, he's in construction and carpentry, he's enrolled in school to be a nurse....and the bonus...he's a deacon at his church. Church, eh? Hm. Well, I'll let the fact that he seems to easily be a pack-a-day smoker slide, because maybe giving up the nicotine hasn't been part of his conviction yet as being a deacon. I'm guessing he sensed my query on that and told me that he's been under alot of stress dealing with his kids lately and had taken up smoking as a stress relief. I'll bet. Judging from what he'd told me, I remember the days when I was on the same wave length...days that weren't so far gone.

Ron was doing a good job of showing me that aside from his looks, he had nothing in common with the Spencer Pratt that I'd been hearing and reading about in the media. Now I was wanting to know what he was doing up at the time of morning that he met me, and why he was so bright-eyed. He told me he hadn't been to sleep all night. He'd had an argument with a close female friend and it bothered him to the point where he couldn't sleep. Here we go with the female "friend" shit. He told me they had dated at some point (I figured as much), but remained close. He'd kinda lost me by that point. But the more he talked, the more he drew me into his conversation, so, I was rather fixed in my seat. That, plus the fact that I'd just pulled a 10 hour shift, and I was tired as hell. Our food came, we ate, we talked, and by the time we were done, he'd convinced me to ride with him to see one of the construction projects he'd recently completed.

Ron, to say the least, seemed like a good hearted person. Three kids was alot for me to consider anything, but then again, we were just having breakfast. It's not like he was asking me to date him or anything. Stop getting ahead of yourself, R. It was just a damned breakfast. I rode with him to the site, and before I knew it, we were all over the town, just riding, talking, and laughing. Several hours had passed, and I hadn't even noticed the time. I told him that I really needed to get home to get some rest for work that night, to which he reluctantly took me back to Denny's to get my SUV. What came next was not what I forsaw. "Thank you for joining me this morning, R. I've had a wonderful time." "Me, too. And thank you for breakfast." "My pleasure. R, I'd really like to see you again. Soon. Would it be possible for you to have breakfast again with me tomorrow morning?" Oh, shit. "Well, how about I get back with you on that? I'd hate to commit and then have a bad night at work and be too tired in the morning and have to cancel." "That sounds good enough. Thank you again, and I look forward to hearing from you soon." I gave him a hug, and went home.

I'd barely opened my eyes to get up for work that night when I heard my text alert going off.

"I remember some of the things you said you like, and if you agree to breakfast with me, I've got a surprise for you"

Damn. Why do I have to be a sucker for stuff like this? Am I that transparent to where a guy just sees how big I am on the "little" things? And why does my curiosity get the best of me? What the hell kind of surprise could he have for me?

"You're funny. Ok, Ron. I'll text you when I get off"

Something's telling me I'm about to open Pandora's box. 

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